Thursday, 6 March 2008
I would like to thank different groups of people. Firstly, thank you for getting the magazine and thus giving us your confidence since the first issue. Secondly, thanks to the Learning Language Centre staff for giving support and providing us the facilities to make possible this magazine. And last but not least, thanks to the magazine’s team for their dedication, effort and time to create this project.
We have written this magazine to achieve two main goals: inform and entertain. We will try to do that through articles which are both accessible to the general reader and at the same time though provoking. The magazine attempts to cover different topics to attract to a young, educated, cosmopolitan and curious reader.
This first issue presents such diverse topics as cinema in France, sports, tourism in Finland, economy or current European issues. We also want to allow the readers to give their opinions. For this reason we have included interviews with Sussex University students about issues that try to show the student’s daily life.
We hope that you enjoy reading the magazine as much as we did writing it. As we aim to create an interactive magazine, please feel free to send us your advice and suggestions for the following issues.
Laura De Nova
Lacking mental capacity
Lacking mental capacity
A current issue for the elderly and for all.
Today in England and Wales as many as two million people lack the capacity to make some decisions for themselves.
Parliament ruled recently about this question: in Britain the Mental Capacity Act was passed in 2005 and has been fully introduced since 1st October 2007.
The number of people who lack capacity is increasing very quickly. The ageing of the population and the multiplication of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer are a part of the explanation. But it is not enough. A lot of people who are suffering from mental illnesses are deemed to have no longer their mental capacity. Besides, so many people can be considered as vulnerable and could need to be protected. So, it is really important to understand the role of the legal protection in society and not only for old people but for all people who are suffering from a mental distress.
Human individuals can be defined by their ability to make decisions on their own behalf. The Law and medicine use the notion of capacity to name this ability to make a decision and the legal responsibility for this decision. In Britain, " a person must be assumed to have capacity unless it is established that they lack capacity”. For psychiatry, capacity is mental capacity and means the capacity to make sound judgements, or not to have mental disability.
You need enough mental capacity to make a decision that may have legal consequences, but also to make a decision that affects daily life, such as when to get up, what to wear or whether to go to the doctor when feeling ill.
Mental capacity is difficult to assess because it is a legal, clinical, ethical, and social construct. The Mental Capacity Act defines that “a person lacks capacity in relation to a matter if at the material time he is unable to make a decision for himself in relation to the matter because of an impairment of, or a disturbance in the functioning of, the mind or brain.’
Everybody who is directly concerned with the individual at the time a decision needs to be made, can assess the capacity of the concerned person.
You can anticipate the day when you might have a lack of capacity. You can choose in advance who will have the right to make decision on your behalf. The measure is called a lasting power of attorney. So, don’t forget to think about the mental health of your relatives, but also your own mental health!
Relationship between EU and Turkey
The relations between the Turkish Republic and European Institutions have such a long background. After the victory of the Turkish Independence War (1920-1923), revolutionaries led by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk make series of reforms that modernized Turkey and moved it more towards European culture. After the World War II Turkey allied itself with the United States, taking part in the Marshall Plan in 1947, joining as a member state the Council of Europe , NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), OECD (Organization for economic Corporation and Development) and associated member state of WEU ( Western European Union). In July 1959, shortly after the creation of the European Economic Community in 1958, Turkey made its first application to join. The EEC's response to Turkey's application in 1959 was to suggest the establishment of an association until Turkey's circumstances permitted its accession. The ensuing negotiations resulted in the signature of the Agreement Creating an Association between the Republic of Turkey and the European Economic Community (the "Ankara Agreement") on 12 September 1963. This agreement, aimed at securing Turkey's full membership in the EEC through the establishment in three phases of a customs union which would serve as an instrument to bring about integration between the EEC and Turkey. This process has gone on up to now.
Problem Fields
After starting the negotiations between Turkey and EU, Turkey’s membership became one of the important and controversial issues in both Turkish and European public opinions. It is true that Turkey’s membership is more different than the previous enlargements of the EU due to following reasons. When being considered the ‘sui generis’ features of Turkey, there are plenty of reasons which made this integration process very difficult.
The Size of Turkey
Compared with the EU members with the 779.452 square kilometres area –the largest country in Europe-and having approximately 73 million populations Turkey is the second largest country after Germany in size. And by passing Germany it is approximated that by the year of 2023 Turkey will become the most populous country in Europe. Because of this relatively huge population there are many problematic areas of Turkey’s membership. First of all as it is known that there are many criteria “acquis communataire”, which must be adapted from EU to national level, for being a full member of the union. Therefore it is very hard job to adapt the whole economic system, legal order, and social structure. For instance looking at the last new twelve members joining the EU, besides Poland and Romania, even Istanbul, the largest city of Turkey, is larger than the other ten new members.
Secondly regarding population the representation of Turkey in EU institutions will be another problem, when Turkey becomes a member of EU. Since the population is the main criteria in representation of the EU institutions such as EU Commission and European Council and EU Parliament, Turkey will be the one of the dominant powers in the decision making process. Moreover like adapting ‘acquais communataire’, adapting Turkey to the EU institutions will prove difficult. Even now the there is a controversy between big members and the small ones. For instance Germany, the biggest EU state, claims that the big members deserve more voting power than the small states in order to establish a fair system. Whereas the small members do not want the big states very dominant in the EU system. As a result of this in the Nice Treaty the voting system was made very complicated in order to balance these two different aspects. However this time the EU faced another big issue called the complexity of the decision making process. Therefore when the first constitution and its successor the Reform Treaty were prepared, the simplification of the decision making process was the one of the main purposes.
Political Problems
Another problematic field of Turkey’s accession is the political disputes between some EU states and Turkey about certain issues. Obviously it might be said that Cyprus is the major problem of the integration process. As it is known Republic of Cyprus is now one of the member states of EU. However because Turkey does not accept ‘Southern Cyprus’ as a representative of the whole island, it does not have diplomatic relations with “Cyprus”. Therefore there is not any direct relationship between these two countries. The EU calls for Turkey to recognise Cyprus . Whereas Turkey declares that unless the Cyprus conflict is solved, it will not recognise Cyprus and it will not have any commercial, political relation with Cyprus directly. It seems impossible that Turkey will not be member unless this issue is somehow solved or does recognise Cyprus. However it seems very difficult to solve due to the parties’ different positions. There is also a problem between Greece and Turkey about the sovereignty of the continental shelf in Aegean Sea. Since most of the islands even those very near to the Turkish Coasts are under the sovereignty of Greece, Greece claims continental broad shelf rights in Aegean Sea according to the Geneva Convention (1958). In contrast Turkey claims that if both the Geneva Convention and the decision made by International Justice Court about the issue of The North Sea continental shelf are considered, it will be seen that those islands are the natural extension of the Anatolian Peninsula, the mainland of Turkey. Due to this reason those islands, under sovereignty of Greece, do not have continental shelf itself. Since these two countries have very different arguments about this issue, lack of confidence with each other and some other problems coming from history, this problem starting the early years of 1970’s has not been solved yet. During 1980’s and 90’s the relationship between parties has become strained from time to time. After the crisis of the Kardak Rocks, islets in Aegean Sea, in 1996; Turkey declared that if Greece tries to extend its continental shelf from 6 miles to 12 miles, Turkey will consider this attempt that as proclamation of war against itself, which is called “casus belli” in the international law.
Prejudices of Public Opinions in |Europe and Turkey
Apart from all these problems in the governmental level, there are also fears, misconceptions, prejudices and concerns in the public level both in |European public opinion and Turkish public opinion.
Having looked at the European public opinion generally, there are some concerns based on different reasons. Firstly many people think that with a highly populated young generation there will be a unemployment problem thought the European market. Since Turkish citizens have right to go the EU countries without a visa and have right to work within the context of the ‘free movement of labourers’, it is concerned that there will be a big migration wave from Turkey into EU countries .However as I stated before the negotiation process will last fifteen to twenty years. Therefore since the Turkish economy will be much stronger than now this tendency will probably decrease. Moreover having looked a the accession of the Poland after the membership some temporary provisions which restrict the polish labourers entering the EU market freely was accepted in order to protect previous EU economies. Therefore similar precautions might be applied or will probably be applied in the Turkey’s accession.
Secondly many people in Europe think that Turkey comes from totally different cultural and religious background, so it does not belong to Europe. Since throughout the history Turks have been considered as a enemy and “others” for Europeans. Therefore in particular in the public level there is a prejudice and misconception to Turkey. For instance, when being mentioned about the Turkey’s membership, some people refer the ‘Second Siege of Vienna (1683)’ which Ottoman Empire had been stopped lastly. In addition there are some suspects in the Turkish public opinion. Some people think that after the accession of the EU, Turkey will lost its sovereignty and will be divided into parts. Therefore they resist the membership process.
To conclude Turkey’s membership process is such a long story. And it can be clearly seen that this story will not be a short one. Due to problems which I tried to illustrate above, even though Turkey and EU countries have strong relationships between each other, it is still unclear whether this story will have a happy end or not.

This year like the year before, FIFPRO, the international association of professional football have edited the world best football team for the last season. It is composed of the football players elected by managers of all the world teams(clubs and national teams) so lets make some explanations about these player choices :
Buffon : the Italian goal is still the better at this place because of his wonderful season : world champion with Italy last summer he was also one of the more important player for the come back of Juventus in the Calcio after a purgatory season in Italian division two.
Cannavaro : an Italian again so another world champion 2006. Fabio Cannavaro has given the confirmation that he is one of the better player at this position since his award as better player of the year 2007. Moreover he has also made very good perform with his club : Real Madrid.
Terry : the Chelsea captain is the other centre defender of this team to make a solid defence with the Italian. The English is a masterpiece of Chelsea still really efficient and represent a nightmare for the opposite strikers.
Cristiano Ronaldo : the Portuguese has been elected second better player in this team and so in the world, a great perform only at the age of 22 years old. He has really explode with the red devils and with his national team with a big technical talent. He is on fire and enchant Old Trafford every time he play because he has became very regular.
Gerrard : Liverpool captain is indisputably one of the better midfielder of the world : able to do everything in the field he is a very complete player. Regular, with his big winner spirit and his goal came from the space, he has driven Liverpool to the Champions League final.

Ronaldinho : The technical player without any doubt, with him everything is possible, he can do what he want with a ball! More than a football player, he is almost an artist...
Drogba : The blue Ivorian striker is alone in attack line but as he show with Chelsea, it’s not a problem for him because he is really active and imprevisible. He is the better African player of the year.
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Hi everyone, here there are my interviews at whole because last week I only put one of them. I hope the article will be interesting for you.
Have you ever felt as a stranger? Have you ever thought that this was not your place? A lot of international students come to Sussex every year, how they feel here? And English students? What they do to make them to feel at home?
The following interviews with both an international and an English student try to answer these questions deepening into their opinions and feelings. We do not try to give general answers just to show some personal experiences at Sussex.
Name: Aya Takatsuki
Age: 29
Nationality: Japanese
Studies: At the moment she is studying English and next year she’ll study a MA in Social Development.
Who do you live with?
I live with an English host family, Michael and Penny. He is 70 years old and she 65 years old.
And, where do you live?
I live in the north of Brighton. It is take one hour from the University.
Is it hard for you living so far from the University?
No really. I can a book during my trip to the University.
How is your life with your host family?
They treated me as a daughter… probably a granddaughter. My host mother likes doing everything, cooking and washing, she enjoys a lot. She is very good at cooking. And when a have a problem they always ask me: everything is OK? They say trust me and I trust them, so we have a very good relationship. Moreover my host mother used to be an English teacher and she worked with international students. It is very good advantage for me because I ask her to correct my English and sometimes I do with her proofreading. I like my host family and it is very comfortable.
Do you have any international classmates?
Yes, every classmate is international because I am at an English pre-master course.
Do you have any relationship with English students?
Yes, sometimes but no frequently. Sometimes I am going to the pub with English students to drink something, but usually I go out with international students. Now, I have a part time job in a restaurant as a waitress, so… I have one colleague, English student, who does not belong to Sussex University but when I go outside…it is difficult to go with British students. I do not have many English students as friends.
Do you feel integrated in the English university life at Sussex?
I think that Sussex University is very kind because…when I was at the University of London…I am Asian and Asian people are discriminated. But here, everybody is so kind and I have close friends so easily, so Sussex University is very good for foreign students. The students are more friendly here than in London.
Name: Laura Cook
Nationality: English
Studies: English and Spanish.
Who do you live with? And where?
I live with my friend who I met in the first year of the university. Her name is Joanna and we have a flat in Brighton.
Do you have any international classmates?
Yes, there are few in my Spanish class. A couple of girls from France and a girl from Luxemburg .But in my English class there are none.
Do you have any relationships with international students?
Yes, I meet with a Spanish girl called Laura to practise Spanish with and also another Spanish man called Javier.
Do you feel integrated in the university life?
No really. I am not a member of any sports teams. I am not a member of any societies. But I do enjoy university life and I go to the gym when I can on campus and… I enjoy it here.
Why do not you belong to any team or societies?
It is quite competitive, it is quite difficult to become a member of these teams. I am not a sporty person.
Do you have any experiences abroad?
Yes, I went to Spain last year for a few months to learn Spanish and I was working in a school with children in Madrid.
How did you feel there?
Everyone in Spain was very nice to me, very helpful at the school. They used to involve me in their parties, and at Christmas we did a present giving ceremony and we went to dinners and things like that.
But I did fell like a foreigner there. People used to look at me on the train, they used to stare and… they used to listen to our conversation in English quite a lot. But on the whole I felt comfortable.
At the beginning it was said that it is not possible to generalize but, anyway, we can extract some conclusions from these two interviews.
Everyone fell like a stranger and foreigner in another country, in the university or in a job, but in general you can always meet with friendly people who help you to have a better time in that country. Therefore, if you sometimes fell alone here, going out to know people is the first step. Think of that as your personal challenge for this year.
Good luck!


Indeed the league has seen the emergence of these two phenomenon : the red devil’s Cristiano Ronaldo and the gunner’s Cesc Fabregas.
Technical abilities, speed, strong and hurry strike, very good vision on the field and an indefatigable will to win are some of the qualities necessities to be a good football player. Both equipped of this luggage Cristiano Ronaldo and Cesc Fabregas are unmistakably two genius in the football world.

The second one arrived in Arsenal from FC Barcelona in 2003, like his competitor Portuguese, but he needed more time to show his huge talent. Indeed, at this time, he didn’t have the responsibility he had hoped because Henry was really much influent. But since the beginning of this season and Henry’s departure to FC Barcelona, he has really exploded to become, at only 20 years old, the agent of his team play.

So now these two club competition is illustrated by these two young players. Both of them very talented and add with two very good team and two of the most intelligent managers of the world, make of Manchester and Arsenal two serious candidates for the Championship this year and for the future.