How to go in Finland since England.
The most practice is to go by plane since London Heathrow. You can Find lot of choice of plane since that website for example:
However it exist an other possibility to go in Finland and I really advice you to test this one.
If you come from England, take a plane to Stockholm in Sweden , or Copenhague in Denmark And then take a ferry
For the company Silja line or Viking line.
This solution is a bite more expensive, but it’s a very good experience. That boats are totally equipped for you, Restaurants, bars, pubs, casinos, super market duty free(in specially for the alcohols),… everything to divert your self.
After having choosing your way of transporting, you can spend how much time that you like in the country of the Santa Claus and the winner of Eurovision TV program 2006!
Information of the country
Finland Member of The UE since 1995
Population: 5 269 173 habitants in 2006
Language : Finnish (Suomi) but every body can speak English.
Capital: Helsinki
Money: Euros since January 1st 2002
Winter Time
I think It's the best season, If you are not scared about the cold you have to spend time in this country.
“In effect the temperature are almost
between -20 centigrade to -60 if you
go more in the north!"
Wintry driving, Scandinavian Swimming of outdoor, Observation of Auroras borealis, Skating, Fishes of winter for Rackets , snow Safaris in snow bike, Safaris in sled with dogs, kiing, Snowboard …
All this activities are waiting you !! Also is important to know that in each city exist some natural free ice rink, open to every one; it’s very funny!

Now lets me talk about the culture…
Well as a tourist you absolutely have to go and test the Sauna especially in winter. This not difficult to find one because each home or Hotel are equipped. The tradition want you that you spend time inside the sauna and then you go and swim in the ice-cold sea ...
The concept of the sauna is, some stoned warmed in the smoke, in the wood or in the electricity, and the first one has been invented between the 5th and the 8th century, in Finland .

As it concern the food…
Finland is not the country specialise in food. However, like in all country, you have some speciality which are very tasteful.
For example The most known cake shop called Pulla, is an sort of Round brioche which is consummated most of the time during tea time, coffee…
Besides of that, Finland is specialised for the black bread (with the rye bread )and the most famous exported around the world is “fin crisp” with the same floor.
(This country is in advance like all the Scandinavia for an healthy alimentation… )
I Hope I’given you the taste to visit this country
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